5 Scale Patterns for Jazz Improvisation

Scale patterns and modal sequences can provide you with an abundance of ideas to utilize in your playing. Additionally, they extend your technique on any instrument and guide/refine your ear. You can use the sequences and patterns in the video below over any set of chord changes in the “C mode.” For instance:

C Ionian (Major), D Dorian (Minor), E Phrygian (minor b9), F Lydian (Major #11), G Mixolydian (Dominant 7), A Aeolian (Natural Minor), and B Locrian (Half-Diminished)!

Once you can transpose these patterns/sequences into all 12 keys, you will have 35 options to consider for improvisation. Not to mention the countless ways that you can alter these rhythmically! So use your imagination and get creative!

Happy practicing!

5 Scale Patterns for Jazz Improvisation in C

Click here to purchase 5 Scale Patterns for Jazz Improvisation in C in 12 Keys!


Triad Pairs for Improvisation