Alto Sax Mouthpiece Comparison
Hello everyone!! So…If you subscribe to my YouTube channel, you’ll know that I purchased a Yamaha-62 (purple logo) a few months ago from a pawn shop. Well…I was previously playing on a Drake NY Jazz, and while it was a great mouthpiece, it sounds slightly different on my Yamaha than it did on my Eastman. So…I went through the process of going through my collection and trying them on my Yamaha. Posted below is the YouTube comparison video I put together with my Meyer 5M, Warburton J, Vandoren V16 A5 S+, and my Claude Lakey 4*4. So far…I’ve been using the Claude Lakey mainly. I hope you enjoy the video, and let me know what differences you hear (if any) and which one you prefer (if any, lol).
Claude Lakey 4*4 Mouthpiece -
Vandoren V16 A5 S+ Mouthpiece -
Warburton J Mouthpiece - Discontinued...maybe?
Meyer 5M Mouthpiece -
Rovner ligature -